Monday, 02 November 2020

By ASP School Projects

Be prepared for the fourth term exams like never before.

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Most of us will agree this year was like a rollercoaster! Everything going on can cause a lot of uncertainty for many children. Their academic performance can suffer under it. The exam period can be a stressful time for children.

The positive side of writing exams is that for the most part there is a right or right answer (yes, even for the questions that require some interpretation your children can be off by miles). Children need to know the right answer, and also how to answer the question correctly. Often children are tremendously knowledgeable on the subject and actually know the answer, but do not know how to process the information quickly enough and express themselves technically correct when they see the information shuffled around in a paper. The stress of supervisors, the clock ticking and a lot at stake are sometimes enough to completely fluster children in an exam. It is as if they’ve never attended a single class, despite the fact that they’re hardworking and have done their homework diligently throughout the year.

One way to get on the right track regarding the writing of exams is simply to practice writing exams. This will give children the opportunity to synthesize and relay everything they have learned. They’ll get a boost to walk into the exam hall with confidence once they are used to writing exams. When your children believe in themselves they are capable of accomplishing greatness.

We are here to support your children with exam preparation and help them get excellent marks:
1. About ASP School Projects and our programmes.
2. Valuable exam tips.
3. How practice exam papers can benefit your children.
4. Sign up with us.

1. About ASP School Projects and our programmes.

ASP School Projects is a digital educational platform that provides high quality study resources for Grade 1 – 10 learners following CAPS. Our belief in the unlimited potential of children makes it our mission to strive for excellence in the support of their academic achievement.

If you didn’t know already, our website recently got a makeover, not just a brand-new aesthetic, but the content was also updated and we launched Grade 10, among various other things. You can read all about it here.

The purpose of our learning materials is to boost their academic progress and produce outstanding results by making learning easy, fun and interesting. We specialise in practice exam papers and worksheets with answers. All subjects from Grade 1 – 10 are based on CAPS. The various study programmes complement each other and are available in packages. Our learning material is thorough and easily accessible. All content is downloadable; printable PDF files.

We have various educational packages available on our site, but the Standard Package is ideal for the fourth term’s exams. The Standard Package includes papers for all subjects, in other words English, Afrikaans, Life Orientation, Maths, Science etc. Click on the grade of your choice for details. Visit our products page here.

2. Valuable exam tips.

Here we have listed blog articles with our best exam tips that we have compiled over time. We trust that these will help your children immensely with preparing for and writing their exams.

Study smart with these 6 effective study guidelines.’
The best way to know that you are prepared for your exam is through self-assessment.’
How to deal with exam stress.
5 Scientifically proven tips to help you prepare for your exam.’
7 Pieces of advice to prepare your mind for writing exams.’

3. How practice exam papers can benefit your children.

The first thing that goes through your mind when writing an exam (even if it is only at home and you are being very casual about it), is that you are being tested. It seems very obvious, but the very thought of having to write an exam creates a sense of urgency. You’ll have to study to do so, because at the very least you’ll have to fill in “something”… “Did you study enough?” “Do you understand the question?” These are all things to consider.

Visually seeing your answer can in some cases give you a good indication of how much you know, how well you know it and how much you still need to study (granted that you didn’t write rubbish on the paper). It isn’t some abstract concept floating around in your mind anymore. For example, you had to label a sketch but you left most of the answers blank, or you had to write a whole paragraph but could barely stitch together a sentence. You’ll see then that you may need to brush up on that particular topic.

Every child is wired slightly different than the next. Some of those differences are minute and some more apparent. The way they think, study and answer questions will vary slightly. Yet, at the end of the day they will write the same test as their classmates. When preparing for an exam, children should be able to adapt their ways of thinking and answering according to the subject and the type of question being asked. They should prepare themselves in advance for what is expected of them. When they are studying they should already think in terms of possible questions and possible curveballs they can expect in an exam.

To prepare for exams with practice papers is one of the most effective ways to study and is an extremely important part of the learning process.

ASP School Projects specialises in helping children with exam preparation. The ‘Exam Papers and Answers’-range offers practice exam papers to learners. Subjects are divided into terms. All question papers contain memoranda (answers).

Our exemplar papers are presented in the same manner, format and difficulty level set by the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). The questions stimulate left and right brain activity. The following type of questions are included in our papers: Definition of Terms; True or False (Supply the Correct Answer if False); Match Column B to Column A; Diagrams and Sketches; Fill in the Missing Words; Multiple Choice; Short Questions; Long Questions; Crosswords.

4. Sign up with us.

We are here to help your child build a bright future.

Save valuable study time, prepare efficiently and write tests with confidence. Give your children the best opportunity to reach their potential. Sign up today and get access to hundreds of high-quality educational resources.

Register on our website to create your profile and login details. An account is required to activate your subscription with downloadable products.

Please visit this page for complete steps to sign up.

We wish your children the very best of luck with their exams for the fourth term. We trust they will perform very well.

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